Friday 24 July 2015

Conversations At Work..!!

What’s your take on casual conversation at workplace? Do you encourage it? Do you participate in it? Or, do you choose not to involve yourself in idle talk?
I had no plans to write this until a Chick from Corporate Communication walked up to me and asked for an article “Anything from the Past” .Because my resume said “Writing” in the hobbies section.
I was like what! I am not a writer and my work had been mainly intellectual or fiction rather than “People-based”

Well, coming to the topic.. I am writing this because I am the most Coward in making conversations, No matter how much Friendly the Environment is.
Indeed, some might think that spending time talking to people about this and that, serves little purpose but to waste time. I think that having conversations, even of the most casual kind with the people you work with is an imperative.
Having said all that, I think it important to say, that casual conversations can go from being constructive and helpful to divisive and destructive if you’re not careful. And, that’s when they get in the way of building healthy productive relationships and workplaces.
There are a few things to consider when it comes to engaging in casual conversations at work:
Keeping conversations friendly and professional
This means that, generally, people do not need, or even want, to know all of the intimate details of your life. Seek balanced two-way conversations that give each participant the opportunity to take part. Providing too much information (as in, Whoa…too much information!) could be embarrassing and the very thing that will have people avoiding you rather than seeking you out.
Knowing when the conversation is over and move on
Conversations that outlive their usefulness can, and do, get in the way of getting the work done. Spending inordinate amounts of time leaning on door frames or hanging over cubicle walls talking about whatever comes to mind is not the idea at all. Keep your exchanges short yet friendly and I suspect that everyone will appreciate it.
Resisting, at all costs, any temptation to participate in idle gossip or rumour mongering.
When rumour, innuendo and other negative lines of conversation are engaged in, bad feeling and damaged relationships are bound to follow. When those times come up where we know we really need to have a heart to heart with another person, we stutter, stammer, stall, or skip the conversation altogether, hoping it will just go away. And surprise, surprise, it doesn't.

P. S.: In spite of knowing all of the above, I still remain a coward to pick up a conversation with anyone. I am still a trembler. But you all don’t have to be one.